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Cystosolv Tincture 1oz

$19.00 USD

CystoSolv™ is made with powerful rare healing herbs. The herbs in the formula help with the dissolution of scar tissue and inflammation as well as blood purification and the softening and reduction of fibrous tissue. It is fortified with low potency Homeopathic medicines that further help to reduce tissue fibrosis and swelling.

Cystosolv is an advanced formula and we recommend that it be used under the supervision of your natural health care practitioner in order to correctly monitor your condition or symptoms.

Complimentary Product: See Redux-T


Suggested Use: Liquid: 25-35 drops in a small amount of water - 3-4 times a day. Or as recommended by your health care practitioner. This product may have to be used for several months in order to see results. (This product is made to take internally but can also be used externally as well if appropriate)


Phytolacca (Poke root), Gelsemium (Yellow Jasmine), Bryonia (Wild Hops), Fraxinus Americana (White Ash) Secale Cornutum 3x, Kali Iodatum 30c, Aur. Mur Nat. 12x. Organic Alcohol, vegetable glycerin & lab grade Deionized water.


PHS's cGMP guideline compliance ensures the quality and potency of their raw materials and manufacturing process.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.