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Amador Collective

Thank You | Mahalo Greeting Card

$5.00 USD

Mahalo, Gracias, Thank You Card

Be uber grateful and say thank you in Hawaiian, Spanish and English!

Mahalo, pronounced mah-hah-loh, is a Hawaiian word meaning thanks, gratitiude, admirtaion, praise, esteem, regards and respects. According to the hawaiian dictionary, the word Mahalo is derived from the word Masalo, which also means "thanks" and gratitude"

In Spanish, when you want to express your gratitude, you can use the word gracias.


Printed on #130lb
100% Recycled card stock
Individually branded and packed with hand stamped envelope
A2 4¼ x 5½, Blank folded card


Cards come with a signature Amador Collective stamped envelope and a sticker to seal. Cards are packed in a cellophane sleeve to protect the quality during shipping.