Kitchen Scrubber Singles
A single Skoy Scrub
About the Brand
Skoy Enterprises LLC is a woman owned business located in Encinitas, California. Skoy opened its doors in 2007 with the launch of the Skoy Cloth. It was founded by Michelle Lundqvist and Karen Petersen.
Skoy Enterprises offers a product line for the kitchen that is innovative and unique. The idea originated when Michelle was living in Europe in the late 90’s. She discovered a product that was similar to the Skoy Cloth and it was just amazing. Over time she found the cloth to be indispensable. When she moved back to the US, she realized that the use of a sponge was inadequate and the excessive use of paper towels, wasteful ( 2.5 million tons of paper towels added to landfills annually). Michelle searched and searched for a similar cloth and nothing even compared; nothing was of the same caliber. This is when Michelle introduced the cloth to Karen. She immediately fell in love with it and could not imagine cleaning with anything else.
Skoj (pronounced Skoy) is a Swedish word that means: “just for fun”! which they thought would be perfect for their designs that bring fun and efficiency into home cleaning.
Small Company | Women Owned/USA | Made in Poland